We take pride in delivering world-class acupuncture service to all of our customers. Please share your experience with us!

Shoulder pain, trigger finger and knee pain

I originally started seeing Dr. Sciamanna for shoulder pain. After so many treatments with her and going to the chiropractor and doing physical therapy the pain wasn’t going away. She ordered more tests and found that I needed rotator cuff… Read more “Shoulder pain, trigger finger and knee pain”

Debbie Fullerton

Carrine S.

I have been a back pain patient of Dr. Sciamanna for several years now, and the service has been outstanding. There has not been a time when I was in need of treatment that scheduling has been an issue. Her… Read more “Carrine S.”

Lois T.

Severe headaches have been a part of my life for many years, with each event lasting 3-4 Days. Every attempt for a cure was temporary at best. Finally, I came upon acupuncture. It was a “Godsend” will almost from the… Read more “Lois T.”

Andrea M.

A car accident resulted in neck and back disc herniations, which left me with constant, profound pain in extremely limited range of motion. My pain was so great that even sound vibrations, such as music or construction work, would be… Read more “Andrea M.”

Stacey C. PhD

A caring office from beginning to end… from when you make your appointment and enter the office. You hear Dawn’s caring voice welcomes you and makes you laugh as you have a short wait prior to being brought back by… Read more “Stacey C. PhD”

Deidre G. RN

I have been seeing Dr. Sciamanna for treatment of Dry eye. When I started treatment, I was afraid I would have to stop wearing my contacts due to the pain associated with the Dry eye, but after several treatments and… Read more “Deidre G. RN”